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What can Glutathione help with?

- Essential for the immune system

- Powerful anti-oxidant – detoxification

- Metabolism –weight loss

- Chronic conditions

- Sleep

- Memory


Glutathione is a peptide containing three important amino acids: Glutamine, Glycine and cysteine.

1.    It is vital for repairing damaged cells which can lead to illness so it is ideal for people with or trying to prevent chronic conditions.

2.    It is vital to the immune system function providing defence mechanisms to help combat illnesses transmitted from other people such as viruses.

3.    Glutathione is needed in every cell and it declines with age and its production declines as we age, alcohol use, poor diet, stress and exposure to toxins and even some medications. Low levels have been linked with Type 2 Diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.

4.    As Glutathione is a powerful anti-oxidant it is important for good skin (particularly psoriasis, eczema and rosacea as well as sun and smoking damage repair). The anti-oxidant properties make it especially important for points 5 and 6 below!

5.    As an important anti-oxidant, Glutathione helps to eliminate toxins/pollutants from the liver, lungs, gut and kidneys. How? By making toxins water soluble so they can be flushed out of the system as mercapthuric acid in the urine.

6.    Important to speeding up the metabolism so it is associated with weight loss. It helps the body burn fat cells. (inflammation caused by too many free radicals slows the metabolism and Glutathione helps to ‘mop up’ free radicals). It isn’t a quick fix but is a powerful tool within a broader weight-loss regime. It is helpful in the treatment of irritable bowel and supports people on a restricted or poor diet.

Why have your shot at Bridgeham?

It is important that Glutathione is administered by someone who is fully qualified to do so under the guidance of a health care professional and this supplement is only available safely on prescription – at Bridgeham we ONLY administer using trusted medical suppliers and working alongside experienced prescriber nurses. Some people may be refused the shot if there are contra-indications.

Can I have too much?

Gluatathione is excreted through the urine so with properly prescribed doses it is safe to use without risk of overdose

Who should not have Glutathione?

- Anyone taking medication for Bipolar Disorder particularly Clozapine.

- If you are taking Haloperidol (anti-psychotic medication)

- If you have Kidney Disease or Hepatitis

- Within 6 weeks of any vaccination

- Cardiac failure patients

- The chemotherapeutic drug Cisplatin

- Alcoholics or chronic use of alcohol

- Epileptics (if you are taking epilepsy medication for other conditions such as Tourette’s, this will be discussed with the nurse before prescribing to check suitability)


How do I get my shot?

You can have a face to face FREE consultation or fill in a form available at reception. Our practitioner will review your case and then request a prescription from our nurse prescriber. If there are any queries at this stage, the prescriber will contact you or your GP directly. Once the prescription is issued, reception will contact you to make an appointment for you to come in for your injection.


How much does it cost?

Each shot costs £45


How often should I have a shot?

The usual treatment plan for Glutathione is:

- Either weekly or fortnightly for up to 12 weeks

- Followed by 1 per month for up to 6 months

- Then every two or three months ongoing.

However, it is possible to be more flexible with this according to your own health status – a consultation with an individual plan is ideal.


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